Light and the Age of the Earth: An Example of False Assumptions
I recently watched an engaging debate between young and old earth creationists. The animated speakers knew their material well and expressed themselves with grace, even
I recently watched an engaging debate between young and old earth creationists. The animated speakers knew their material well and expressed themselves with grace, even
Following our discussion of the mystery involved in “the problem of evil,” we turn to a brief examination of the doctrine of the Trinity, and
In previous articles, we have seen that denials of God’s existence and biblical miracles rest on unreasonable, blind-faith assumptions or presuppositions. But, what about claims
Along with the denial of God’s existence goes the denial of the reality of the miracles and extraordinary events in Scripture. Such “stories” are little
The simple question, “How do you know what you claim to know?” easily reveals unreasonable, blind-faith assumptions behind sophisticated arguments of atheism. Gracious use of
At first glance, the atheist’s claim that “God does not exist” appears to be little more than a simple statement about the reality of God.
“The floodwaters of secular thought and liberal theology overwhelmed the Church because the leaders did not understand the importance of combating a false set of
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Short and simple, yet the first words of the Bible set the foundation for a
Denying the existence of God as the creator behind the intricate design and beauty in the universe, atheists are left with time and chance as
God created, orders, sustains, and owns everything. Apart from God we have nothing, can do nothing, and can know nothing. He determines our existence, purpose,